Why People Choose Poly

Why People Choose Poly

When people think of romance what typically comes to mind are candlelit dinners for two and romantic evenings together.  In almost all of these scenarios there are only two people.  Even today where same-sex marriage is socially acceptable the relationships only involved two people.  These aren’t the only types of romantic relationships that are possible.  It still remains taboo that a relationship could have more than two people so that begs the question why people choose poly.  Let’s explore poly relationships and the appeal of them.

Poly is More Common than You Think

The Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy did a study on poly relationships back in 2016 and discovered that more than 20 percent of adults have been in a non-traditional relationship.  That could be anything from an open relationship where each person has romantic relationships outside the primary relationship to three or more people in a relationship.  The common thing among these relationships is that all partners agree to this type of arrangement and there is no deception.

Still Misunderstood

Despite the fact that nearly 1 in 5 adults have been in some type of poly relationship the concept of poly is still largely misunderstood.  That can be attributed to the fact that each relationship is unique in its construction.  Poly relationships are often mistaken for an open relationship but they are different.  In poly relationships the primary couple are not just committed to each other but to multiple partners at the same time.

Closed and Open Poly Relationships

Poly can come in the form of either open or closed relationships.  A closed relationship is made up of a group of people who are all committed to one another and they don’t allow other people into the relationship.  Other poly relationships that are open have the primary partners dating other people but their primary partner isn’t involved.  Poly can take any shape the participants want it to.  Often you have a primary relationship where two people live as a married couple but date other people.

Communication is the Key to Success

One thing that all poly relationships have in common is open communication.  They find a way to make the relationship work for everyone involved, that includes clearing up the misconceptions around poly relationships.  Poly is about finding fulfillment in your own way and organizing the relationship that makes everyone happy.  Poly isn’t for everyone but for those that choose this lifestyle they are happy and comfortable in it.